
Agha waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit or cars motor Bike (hydrogen+oxigen H2O electrolysis)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

science fair projects

kitchen waste biogas
Contact for Homemade kitchen waste biogas plant Projects
science fair projects
Free Winning Science Fair Projects Step-by-Step How-To-Do Resources Ideas, Urdu

Make Heron’s Fountain

    Science Fair Project: Make Heron’s Fountain Heron’s fountain is a great project for a science fair, as it is simple to make and displays many of the basic principles of physics. This project shows how potential energy can provide power, using water and gravity, and air and compression. These are fundamental aspects of pneumatics and hydraulics and Heron’s fountain also lets you have a bit of fun during the process. The History of Heron’s Fountain Heron’s Fountain (Creative Commons) The great Greek inventor, Heron of Alexandria (sometimes called Hero) created this device as one of his wonderful ways…
Archimedes Displacement Experiment Science Fair Demonstration The Ancient Greek mathematician, Archimedes, is most famous for running naked down the street shouting ‘Eureka! Eureka!’ (I have it! I have it!), after finding out the solution to a tricky problem.   While he contributed much more to science than this, including building the foundations of the study of hydrostatics (how fluids behave), and writing volumes of work on the properties of solids, his famous experiment is perfect for a science fair demonstration. Why Did Archimedes Shout Eureka Submerged and Displacing Cylinders (Public Domain) King Hieron II of Syracuse had commissioned a goldsmith…
Build an Astrolabe Science Fair Projects The astrolabe is an ancient device, long used to measure latitude and act as an aid to navigation. Historians believe that the first astrolabes were devised by the Ancient Greeks, with astronomers such as Apollonius (c. 262 BCE – c. 190 BCE) and Hipparchus (190 BCE – c. 120 BCE) developing the theory behind the device. Read more: Using an Astrolabe (Public Domain) Although there is a lot of debate about who built the first astrolabe, the consensus is that Hipparchus has that honor, using it as a much more accurate way of…
Double-Angled-Twelve-Sided (DATS) Solar Cooker (Editor's note: SCI has not tested this cooker for safety, effectiveness, stability, or ease of use) by Teong H. Tan I was introduced to the world of solar cooking in 1982 when, as a student, I was working on a heat-transfer experiment at the Brace Research Institute in Montreal. Brace had shortly before that experimented with and tested a variety of solar cookers. Many years had passed by for me without any further solar cooking exposure until I discovered Solar Cookers International’s web site three years ago. The site has since become the place where I…
Science Play ( Fun Science ) Science Play ( Fun Science ) (1) PET bottle rocket (O) 381KB (2) Cotton candy making (O) 262KB (3) Boomerang (O) 310KB (4) Flying seed (O) 146KB (5) Pipe music instrument (O) 174KB (6) Handmade speaker (O) 361KB (7) Purple cabbage pH indicator (O) 213KB (8) No bursting rubber balloon (O) 78KB (9) Hot air balloon (O) 226KB

kitchen waste biogas
Contact for Homemade kitchen waste biogas plant Projects
science fair projects
Free Winning Science Fair Projects Step-by-Step How-To-Do Resources Ideas, Urdu


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