
Agha waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit or cars motor Bike (hydrogen+oxigen H2O electrolysis)

Friday, March 30, 2012

DIY power Inverter UPS in Urdu

DIY power Inverter UPS in Urdu
Read More 500 Watt 12DC to 220 VAC Power Inverter (UPS)Construction in Urdu  
500 Watt 12DC to 220 VAC Power Inverter
500 Watt 12DC to 220 VAC Power Inverter (UPS)Construction in Urdu
500 Watt 12DC to 220 VAC Power Inverter (UPS)Construction in Urdu Power Inverter (UPS)Construction in Urdu this is a simple inverter you can make your own if you have Little Bit of Knowledge about electronics this inverter can run 1 watt to 500 watt appliances
Discussions about Pakistan Science Club's Power Inverters 12 VDC to 220 VAC UPS, you can find problems, troubleshooting and construction help Please visit Power Inverters (UPS)12 VDC to 220" See also Easy Homemade 50 watt Power Inverters (12 VDC to 220 VAC) UPS Power Inverter (UPS) Circuit inverter diagram Schematic of an Inverter Read More

See also

Easy Homemade 50 watt Power Inverters (12 VDC to 220 VAC) UPS Power Inverter (UPS) Circuit inverter diagram Schematic of an Inverter Circuit WHAT IS THE Difference between an inverter and UPS? (Forum) How to find emitter base and collector of D1047 Transistor 12 VDC Inverter System Troubleshooting & Maintenance Difference between Voltage-Amps (VA) and watts and how do I properly size my UPS!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Solar Distiller Science Fair Project

Science Experiment

Solar Distiller Science Fair Project
Solar Distiller  Science Fair Project Solar Distiller Grade Levels: 7-9 Questions: Can you distill clean water from muddy water? Can you distill clean water from salty water? Possible Hypotheses: You can/cannot make clean water from muddy water. You can/cannot make clean water from salty water. Materials: Two large plastic containers Clear plastic wrap Masking tap, Reade More

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Farming blog in Urdu

About Farming Urdu provide information in Urdu about fish farming, dairy farming, poultry farming, chicken farming, aquaculture fish farming, cattle farming, mushroom farming, sustainable farming information about farming will provide by different resources like


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Science must guide us towards a more sustainable future

Science must guide us towards a more sustainable future

Sunday, March 25, 2012 4:54 AMScience must guide us towards a more sustainable future by   David Dickson LONDON: One of the most significant achievements of science over the past few decades has been to provide convincing evidence that human activity has had a growing and potentially unsustainable impact on virtually every aspect of our planet. The scientific community now needs [...]

Renewable energy resourcesSunday, 
March 25, 2012 1:56 AMRenewable energy resources by ERUM ZEHRA Summer is on its way and we’ve been already warned about the electricity load shedding this year and the increase in price per unit because the snow hasn’t melted yet and the water is at dead level in our dams. If timely planning is not done, one can imagine [...]

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Asad Mehmood’s out-of-this world dream

There are people though, who do not have access to half the resources I do in Pakistan who do not give up. Asad Mehmood is such a guy. He hails from Okara and at the tender age of 18 built himself the 6th largest telescope in Pakistan
The first time I gazed at the sky in fascination was on a clear night on an off-road trip in Hingol, Balochistan. I had never seen a sky so full of stars and stood awe struck at the beauty and magnificence of the heavens. Naturally, my next impulse was to buy a telescope powerful enough to see them up close. I found this to be a very costly venture as telescopes, especially good ones are expensive. So I proceeded to scrounge for details on how to build one on the Internet.
When I discovered that building one requires an array of optics not easily found and of considerable expense, I gave up this pursuit as well. There are people though, who do not have access to half the resources I do in Pakistan who do not give up. Asad Mehmood is one such guy. He hails from Okara and at the age of 18 he built the 6th largest telescope in Pakistan. This guy is super cool – here’s The Express Tribune magazine story on him.
How did he do this?
I caught up with him at a local event to ask him just that! Readmore Asad Mehmood’s out-of-this world dream

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Science Experiments and Projects

kitchen waste biogas
Contact for Homemade kitchen waste biogas plant Projects
science fair projects
Free Winning Science Fair Projects Step-by-Step How-To-Do Resources Ideas, Urdu

It appears that not anything strikes fear in the hearts of students and parents like these three words: science fair project. But it doesn’t have to be that way. A science fair project is an chance to research and learn about things that notice you. And through your studies you will learn how science is essential to everything around us. You will advantage beyond your improved science knowledge. Science fair projects teach you problem-solving skills, improve your written and oral communication skills and give you the satisfaction of completing a well-done project. The ideas for projects are endless; you are limited only by your imagination. For example, does dirty dish water affect the growth of plants? Or how does acid rain affect plant growth? Which diapers are the most absorbent? What is the pH of various shampoos? Do different brands of gasoline make a difference in gas mileage? The first key to…

science fair projects

kitchen waste biogas
Contact for Homemade kitchen waste biogas plant Projects
science fair projects
Free Winning Science Fair Projects Step-by-Step How-To-Do Resources Ideas, Urdu

Make Heron’s Fountain

    Science Fair Project: Make Heron’s Fountain Heron’s fountain is a great project for a science fair, as it is simple to make and displays many of the basic principles of physics. This project shows how potential energy can provide power, using water and gravity, and air and compression. These are fundamental aspects of pneumatics and hydraulics and Heron’s fountain also lets you have a bit of fun during the process. The History of Heron’s Fountain Heron’s Fountain (Creative Commons) The great Greek inventor, Heron of Alexandria (sometimes called Hero) created this device as one of his wonderful ways…
Archimedes Displacement Experiment Science Fair Demonstration The Ancient Greek mathematician, Archimedes, is most famous for running naked down the street shouting ‘Eureka! Eureka!’ (I have it! I have it!), after finding out the solution to a tricky problem.   While he contributed much more to science than this, including building the foundations of the study of hydrostatics (how fluids behave), and writing volumes of work on the properties of solids, his famous experiment is perfect for a science fair demonstration. Why Did Archimedes Shout Eureka Submerged and Displacing Cylinders (Public Domain) King Hieron II of Syracuse had commissioned a goldsmith…
Build an Astrolabe Science Fair Projects The astrolabe is an ancient device, long used to measure latitude and act as an aid to navigation. Historians believe that the first astrolabes were devised by the Ancient Greeks, with astronomers such as Apollonius (c. 262 BCE – c. 190 BCE) and Hipparchus (190 BCE – c. 120 BCE) developing the theory behind the device. Read more: Using an Astrolabe (Public Domain) Although there is a lot of debate about who built the first astrolabe, the consensus is that Hipparchus has that honor, using it as a much more accurate way of…
Double-Angled-Twelve-Sided (DATS) Solar Cooker (Editor's note: SCI has not tested this cooker for safety, effectiveness, stability, or ease of use) by Teong H. Tan I was introduced to the world of solar cooking in 1982 when, as a student, I was working on a heat-transfer experiment at the Brace Research Institute in Montreal. Brace had shortly before that experimented with and tested a variety of solar cookers. Many years had passed by for me without any further solar cooking exposure until I discovered Solar Cookers International’s web site three years ago. The site has since become the place where I…
Science Play ( Fun Science ) Science Play ( Fun Science ) (1) PET bottle rocket (O) 381KB (2) Cotton candy making (O) 262KB (3) Boomerang (O) 310KB (4) Flying seed (O) 146KB (5) Pipe music instrument (O) 174KB (6) Handmade speaker (O) 361KB (7) Purple cabbage pH indicator (O) 213KB (8) No bursting rubber balloon (O) 78KB (9) Hot air balloon (O) 226KB

kitchen waste biogas
Contact for Homemade kitchen waste biogas plant Projects
science fair projects
Free Winning Science Fair Projects Step-by-Step How-To-Do Resources Ideas, Urdu

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Magnetic Levitation Science Project


Here is a very cheap and high stable levitation schematic for beginners it uses only to transistors and few other parts they are all easily available in hole world instead of those pricey and complicated integrated IC schematics take hole day to built but this project is not only cheap but easy to built in minutes coil is made in this project from scrap I took primary winding wire from an old wall mount 12v power supply and Use sewing machine bobbin for coil winding there is no counting for turns just make sure wind bobbin full until it reaches its outer radius secure it with electrical tape make sure both ends of winding are enough length to solder it to project board use bolt as core which fits in bobbin hole make sure bolt must be twice in length than bobbin so that you can nicely tighten your coil to frame for further info see fig2. Read More Magnetic Levitation Science Project

Saturday, March 3, 2012

E-waste – a pack of human diseases

E-waste – a pack of human diseases

E-waste – a pack of human diseases

THE TERM ‘E-waste’ is not new but it is still not common. Commoners are unaware to this term. E-waste is the waste regarding all electrical and electronic equipments that include computers, mobiles, television sets, refrigerators, ovens, toasters and home entertainment like electric games, stereo system, toys etc.
The reason behind the increase E-waste is the rapid development and number of electronic equipments. Modern technology is coming day by day. In this way people try to have modern and latest equipments available in market. Increasing demand for modern technology is making the electronic companies clever and richer. They introduce the modern technology step by step and in a series. Then innocent people also purchase modern and latest things. The question is that why don’t these companies introduce a complete package after reviewing all aspects in their new and latest technology? Cell phones are the common example to support this point of view. We see a latest model of same cell phone everyday in the market. And people look crazy to have it. Read More


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