
Agha waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit or cars motor Bike (hydrogen+oxigen H2O electrolysis)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Agha Waqar Dr. Abdul qadeer and Dr.atta-ur-Rahman discussion on water fuel kit

Agha Waqar Dr. Abdul qadeer and Dr.atta-ur-Rahman discussion on water fuel kit Capital Talk - 31st July 2012

Dr. Abdul Quadeer Khan Dr. A. Q. Khan Research Laboratories Kahuta, Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman Scientist and Scholar, Dr. Shaukat Pervaiz Chairman Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Engineer Agha Waqar in fresh episode of Capital Talk on Geo News and talk with Hamid Mir.


Now Let me explain resonance that is taken from Planck's Resonance Hypothesis:
You know Harvard a uni. Their Wesite .

They have a section at their web for The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System.
They wrote Hidden variables: the resonance factor at the below website:…9B

In 1900 Max Karl Planck performed his famous black-body radiation work which sparked the quantum revolution. Re-examination of that work has revealed hidden variables, consistent with Einstein’s famous sentiment that quantum mechanics is incomplete due to the existence of “hidden variables”. The recent discovery of these previously hidden variables, which have been missing from foundational equations for more than one hundred years, has important implications for theoretical, experimental and applied sciences and technologies. Planck attempted to integrate the new “resonant Hertzian (electromagnetic) waves”, with existing Helmholtz theories on energy and thermodynamics. In his famous January 1901, paper on black-body radiation, Planck described two significant hypotheses – his well known Quantum Hypothesis, and his more obscure Resonance Hypothesis. Few scientists today are aware that Planck hypothesized resonant electromagnetic energy as a form of non-thermal energy available to perform work on a molecular basis, and that Planck’s Resonance Hypothesis bridged the gap between classical Helmholtz energy state dynamics of the bulk macrostate, and energy state dynamics of the molecular microstate. Since the black-body experimental data involved only a thermal effect and not a resonant effect, Planck excluded the resonant state in his black-body derivation. He calculated Boltzmann’s constant “kB” using completely thermal/entropic data, arriving at a value of 1.38 ×10^23 J K-1 per molecule, representing the internal energy of a molecule under completely thermal conditions. He further hypothesized, however, that if resonant energy was present in a system, the resonant energy would be “free to be converted into work”. Planck seems to have been caught up in the events of the quantum revolution and never returned to his Resonance Hypothesis. As a result, a mathematical foundation for resonance dynamics was never completed. Boltzmann’s constant was adopted into thermodynamic theories without its natural companion, the resonance factor (“rf”).

Thisi is what Agha Sahib is inspired of 1900 planck’s hypothsis read again Ein Stein mentioned:

Einstein’s famous sentiment that quantum mechanics is incomplete due to the existence of “hidden variables”

They more told :

Few scientists today are aware that Planck hypothesized resonant electromagnetic energy as a form of non-thermal energy available to perform work on a molecular basis, and that Planck’s Resonance Hypothesis bridged the gap between classical Helmholtz energy state dynamics of the bulk macrostate, and energy state dynamics of the molecular microstate

So this resonance. Which was explaned by Planck in 1900. And scientists at Nasa and Harvard are goign to take in account the free energies of resonance. Our scientists and their assistants are busy in making theories to make Govt fool and Govt funds in their pockets. So they are unaware of Resonance Energy and just know theory of loot.

Agha Waqar’s HHO kit explained

All who make comments on Honorable Agha Sahib they must know how his kit works.

Here I am elaborating the construction of his kit. Where, I will try to address the questions of many.

1. Why Agha uses distilled water? Is he adding some hidden substance? How electrolysis is possible without a catalyst?
2. What is the battery usage during Special Type of electrolysis?
3. How milliamps of current are able to break water molecule?
4. Is it possible from electrolysis to produce a large quantity of hydrogen that it can work without storage?
5. Is it possible from electrolysis to produce a large quantity of hydrogen that it can work without mixing other fuels?

First of all you have to understand resonance.

RESONANCE: In some mechanical and electronic mechanisms when Energy is applied with some Rhythm (frequency) Output of the

energy becomes much higher than energy applied constantly. The frequency required in a system to occur resonance is called

resonant frequency of the system.


1. Pushing a person in a swing is a common example of resonance. The loaded swing, a pendulum, has a natural frequency of

oscillation, its resonant frequency, and resists being pushed at a faster or slower rate. (Wikipedia)

2. On bridges army soldiers are asked to not to walk in rhythm because little force produced due to their walk could lead to

the breakage of bridge which required tons of force. There are several event done like Tacoma Narrows Bridge etc. in which

accidents happened due to resonance.

There are several types of resonance:
7. ELECTRICAL RESONANCE: LC circuit is one example of Electrical resonance. Please read.

Here in AGHA SAHIB’S METHOD Electrical resonance is used; in which an LC circuit is produce. (to know about LC circuit please


LC circuits are also of two types one is parallel and one is series. Agha Sahib uses Series LC circuit.

AGHA SAHIB uses a physical coil and a Capacitor is composed of a special mechanism.

CAPACITOR in AGHA SAHIB’s TECHNIQUE: AGHA SAHIB dips many (at least 20) plates of metal in Distilled Water. Half of the

plates alternatively are attached with one end of circuits and half with other. Water will work as Dielectric and (20) Plates

will work as (10) capacitors.

LC Circuit. This (20) metal plates dipped in distilled water based capacitor (for simplicity we will call it MPDWC) is

attached with a physical coil.

RESONANT FREQUENCY: Capacitance of MPDWC and Inductance of coil is measured hence putting into Series RC formula resonant

frequency is measure.

SUPPLY of Alternating Resonant Voltage: 12V are taken from simple car battery then converted into mostly 110 volts AC. This

AC has frequency same as the resonance frequency of MPDWC and above coil. Then AC is bridge rectified but not stabilized. So

Positive Polar wave is obtained (there are ups and downs as AC but positive remains positive and negative remains negative.)

Depending on LC construction These voltage sometimes may lead to millions of volts. Water molecules in between plates could

not resist to such a high voltage so they break up in Hydrogen and Oxygen. Interesting thing is the Amperes used by this

Mechanism is just in milliamps. So there is no significant use of Battery. If common usage of battery is 8-10 Amps, Milli

Amps will add no more visible load.

1. This Circuit Uses Distilled Water. Because Water is working as dielectric so it must be non conductor and Distilled Water

is a non conductor any impurity or chemical will not let the system work.
2. Battery usage is minimal so no harm to battery and System slaps at the face of first law of thermodynamics and its

3. Runtime Sufficient Hydrogen is produced so no need of storage and there is no danger at all.
4. Due to sufficient Hydrogen System needs no other fuel mixed. That’s why it is threatening the fossil fuel deposit owners

to shout against Agha Sahib because, Deposits of their Oil and Gas will be a story of past in near future.

Here is a video showing glimpse of the mechanism similar to AGHA SAHIB’s mechanism at very basic level.

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