
Agha waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit or cars motor Bike (hydrogen+oxigen H2O electrolysis)

Friday, August 3, 2012

secret of Agha Waqar the Water-Kit inventor: Agha Waqar fraud exposed

 secret of Agha Waqar the Water-Kit inventor exposed

Secret of Agha Waqar the Water-Kit inventor answers some questions of  Dr. Samar Mubarakmand on Pakistan television.

 Agha Waqar  Water-Kit Secret  exposed by Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, Agha Waqar can not give the answers some questions of  Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, he use calcium carbide C2H2 to produce acetylene (ethyne) gas calcium carbide C2H2 with react with water to produce it

(Acetylene (systematic name: ethyne) is the chemical compound with the formula C2H2. It is a hydrocarbon and the simplest alkyne. This colorless gas is widely used as a fuel and a chemical building block. It is unstable in pure form and thus is usually handled as a solution. Pure acetylene is odorless, but commercial grades usually have a marked odor due to impurities.)

Demonstration of water-powered car:

Demonstration of water-powered car

Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar ahmed claimed to invent water fuel car's kitThe Pakistani engineer who last week debuted a new technology purportedly enabling cars to run on water has accepted an invitation to visit Abu Dhabi, the Pakistani ambassador’s office told Khaleej Times.

The visit will take place in recognition of Waqar Ahmad’s invention of the “water fuel kit”, which he demonstrated to a gathering of Pakistani parliamentarians, scientists and students in Islamabad on July 26.

Pakistani Ambassador to the UAE Jamil Khan and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Director-General Adnan Z. Amin have agreed to stage another demonstration permitting world bodies to closely scrutinise the new technology, said the ambassador’s office. The event’s location and date will be determined once Pakistan’s Ministry of Science and Technology officially certifies the water fuel kit’s authenticity.

“The invention by the Pakistani engineer holds enormous potential considering that, if it is also certified by the IRENA after the upcoming demo, it can dramatically change the global dependence on fossil fuels, which also pollute the environment,” said Ambassador Khan. The ambassador expressed hope that the IRENA’s certification of the water fuel kit will help market the eco-friendly technology to a global consumer base.

Ahmad’s invention has been described as a “water fuelling system” and claims to power vehicles with hydrogen gas produced from “hydrogen bonding” with distilled water. According to reports in Pakistani newspaper Dawn, running a car on the water fuel kit technology will be cheaper than the use of petrol or compressed natural gas (CNG).

Dawn also reported that Pakistan’s Minister of Religious Affairs Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah attended the demonstration in Islamabad and himself drove the water fuel kit-equipped car. The minister assured Ahmad of the government’s support in protecting and developing the project.


The Car Running by water Power: A Feasibility Report for Electrical Energy

The Car Running by water Power: A Feasibility Report for Electrical Energy by Mudassir Abbas

Water-driven Cars: The major question in everyone's mind now a days is to resolve the mystery, specially considering 'the energy contents of the system'. As the major energy source in here is electrical power provided by the battery and its consumption in fuel cell so the law of conservation of energy for electical energy is presented. The calculations are simple and answerable to everyone so please feel free to ask if any ambiguity still remaining.
Law of conservation of energy - The mystery resolved.pdf
After some recent calculations for the heat of enthalpies for combustion of conventional gasoline fuel and hydrogen gas. It was concluded that the heat of combustion from hydrogen is three times as big as heat of combustion from gasoline. In the next step, an approach towards the electrical power production and its consumption in water based fuel cars would be presented.

Energy Produced from battery

In the step wise procedure we must know about the basic facts that a 12 V car battery can produce maximum of 40 A of current that corresponds to 12 X 40 = 480 watts of power according to basic formula
P = VI
P = 12 x 40 = 480 watts (or J/sec)
Now if this battery continuously provides direct current for 1 hour it will produce 0.48 kWh
of energy
The calculations are as follows
p = E / t
That corresponds to
E = P x t
if power is produced for one hour
E = 480 X 1 = 480 Wh or 0.48 KWh
This is the amount of energy which can be used in producing hydrogen gas from electrolysis
of water.

Energy Consumed by the battery for electrolysis 

Now the amount of energy consumed in electrolytic cell calculated: Ideally, 39 kWh of electrical energy is required to convert 8.9 kg of water to produce 1kg of hydrogen and 7.9 kg of oxygen completely. While typical commercial electrolyzer system has efficiencies ranges from 56% to 73% and this corresponds to 70.1–53.4 kWh/kg:

How much distance a car can travel with 1kg of hydrogen?
Normally, 47. 3 MJ is the energy consumed by a 1000cc car when it uses 1 kg ( ~1.40 liter) of petrol and on average car cannot give more than 20 km in one liter of fuel. Keeping the same figures in mind the energy produced by 1kg of hydrogen can give (141.9 / 47.3) x 28 = 84 km with 1kg (500mol) of hydrogen

To run a car for 84km, 1kg of hydrogen must be produced from fuel cells while providing 39 kWh or more amount of electricity.

Law of conservation of energy 

Maximum energy produced by one battery = 0.48 KWh
Energy consumed by fuel cell to produce 1kg of hydrogen = 39 kWh
Number of batteries required to produce 39kWh of energy = 39 / 0.48 = 81
That corresponds
81 batteries in parallel are required with 9 liters of water to produce 1 kg of hydrogen torun the car for 85 km after full consumption.

With 0.48 KW of battery power continuously provided to the electrolytic cell (and to no other power consuming source) for one hour will give the amount of hydrogen practically as 6.85 gm in total, which can run a car for 582 meters only.

The following questions are still to be answered
1. Is the battery providing continues current to run it for smooth electrolytic process?
2. The conditions in electrolytic cell are really ideal to give maximum efficiency?
3. The gas collectors for hydrogen and oxygen are leak free and have maximum storage
and transportation?
4. Are both the electrodes are long lasting and stable in solution?
5. Is the electrolyte used is cheap, efficient and environment friendly?
Note: These all calculations are based on the fact that no generator or external source is
producing the electrical power and inserting it back into the battery of car.

“Technology Brief: Analysis of Current-Day Commercial Electrolyzers,” NREL, Golden, CO NREL/FS-56036705,

See also B. Kroposki, J. Levene, and  K.Harrison, “Electrolysis: Information and Opportunities for

Power Utilities,” Technical report, NREL/TP-581-40605, September, 2006

Where 141.9 is the energy of combustion for hydrogen and 47.3 is the energy of combustion for petrol. Also
see the reference given below (for more details) Karl Griesbaum et al. "Hydrocarbons" in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry 2005, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.

All calculations are based on ideal battery power and ideal electrolytic system.

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Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar ahmed claimed to invent water fuel car

Solar Panels and types article in Urdu

Solar Panels and types article in Urdu سولر پینلز اور ان کی اقسامSolar

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 Solar Panels and types article in Urud سولر پینلز اور ان کی اقسامSolar   
article in Urud سولر پینلز اور ان کی اقسامSolar 

تحریر: ایم بلال ایم

سولر پینل صرف بجلی بنانے والے نہیں ہوتے بلکہ ان کی مدد سے دھوپ سے مختلف چیزیں، جیسے پانی وغیرہ بھی گرم کیا جاتا ہے۔ اس تحریر میں ہم صرف ان سولر پینل کی اقسام دیکھتے ہیں جن سے بجلی بنائی جاتی ہے اور یہ کہ ان اقسام میں سے پاکستان کیلئے کونسی بہتر ہے۔
بجلی بنانے والے سولر پینل کو پی وی یعنی فوٹو وولٹیک پینل کہا جاتا ہے۔ سولر پینل دراصل سولر سیل کا مجموعہ ہوتا ہے، جس میں متعدد سولر سیل جوڑ کر ایک پینل تیار کیا جاتا ہے۔ سولر سیل کی عمومی عمر ۲۰ سے ۲۵ سال تک ہوتی ہے، لیکن یہ نہیں کہ اس عرصے کے بعد سولر سیل کام کرنا چھوڑ دیتا ہے، بلکہ اس کی کارکردگی کسی حد تک کم ہو جاتی۔ سولر سیل کی بنیادی طور پر تین اقسام ہیں، مونو کرسٹلائن سیل، پولی کرسٹلائن سیل اور تھِن فلم/ایمارفیس سیل۔
مونو کرسٹلائن، جیسا کہ نام سے ظاہر ہے، اس کا ایک سیل سیلیکون کے ایک کرسٹل سے تیار ہوتا ہے۔ یہ سیل عموماً کالے رنگ کا ہوتا ہے اور تھوڑی روشنی میں بھی کام کرتا ہے۔ مونو کرسٹلائن سیل پر پڑنے والی روشنی میں سے ۱۸ فیصد جذب کر کے اس سے بجلی بنا دیتا ہے۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ سولر سیل میں یہ سب سے مہنگا ہوتا ہے اور سب سے حساس بھی سجھا جاتا ہے۔

Read More Solar Panels and types in Urdu



Thursday, August 2, 2012

Engineer Agha Waqar receiving threats from Mafia no response given to him by the government of Pakistan.

Agha Waqar Pakistani Car Kit inventor Engineer, Agha Waqar while talking to media said, that after his great achievement of inventing water-kit to run vehicles, receiving threats from Mafia:[/caption]

No step has yet been taken by the government of Pakistan regarding security arrangements. He also said that he has been awarded with great pride and respect by British including Singapore but it is sad that there was no response given to him by the government of Pakistan.

Few days ago, a Pakistani Engineer, Agha Waqar claimed to invent water-kit to run vehicles fueled by water leaving the world shocked. During a discussion on a live TV show, Engineer Agha Waqar gave the opinion that vehicles could be driven by a system fueled by distilled water instead of petrol. He claimed that a vehicle will consume one-litre water for 40 kilometers while a one-KV generator could produce electrcity for two hours by one-litre of water.

However, during a demonstration on live TV show, Agha Waqar Ahmed drove his car using water as a fuel. Agha Waqar Ahmed is the first who took initiative for introducing this technology in Pakistan but some TV channels are claiming that something the world already saw decades ago has been invented by Pakistan in 2012.

Minister for religious Affair Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah, who heads the cabinet committee, said the Ministry of Science and Technology will fully support the Sukkur-based engineer. “The ministry and the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) will study the feasibility of the project as soon as possible”. He added.

The Minister said they would provide complete security to Engineer, Agha Waqar Ahmed, adding that the formula will also be kept in secret.














Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Pakistani engineer has claimed to build a water-kit to run vehicles on water

 A Pakistani engineer has claimed to build a water-kit to run vehicles on water

A Pakistani engineer has claimed to build a water-kit to run vehicles on water, leaving the world astounded and shocked.
During a demonstration in a live TV show, Engineer Agha Waqar Ahmed drove his car using water as fuel. The engineer was of the opinion that vehicles could be driven by a system fuelled by distilled water instead of petroleum products.
A sub-committee of the cabinet while praising the Water Fuel Kit Project assured the engineer of full support in launching of his innovation.
Waqar Ahmed while explaining his project said the water fuelling system was a simple technology in which ‘hydrogen bonding’ with distilled water produces hydrogen gas to run a car engine.
He claimed that a vehicle will consume one-litre water for 40 kilometers while a one-KV generator could produce electricity for two hours by one-litre water.
Minister for Religious Affairs Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah, who heads the cabinet committee, said the Ministry of Science and Technology will fully support the Sukkur-based engineer. “The ministry and the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) will study the feasibility of the project as soon as possible” he added.
Earlier, he was briefed by the engineer about the project and took the matter to the federal cabinet.
In a live TV show, broadcasted on a private TV channel, the minister along with the host and a member from opposition party drove the water-kit car.
The Minister said that they would provide complete security to Engineer Waqar Ahmed, adding that the formula will also be kept in secret.
He noted, “Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and Finance Minister Hafeez Shaikh highly valued the project. We own this project and are committed to successfully completing it”.
Earlier, Minister for Science and Technology Mir Changez Khan Jamali described the concept as a pioneering effort which could play a role in overcoming the energy crisis in the country. The new technology will be this year’s Independence Day gift to the nation, he added.
He added, “All required tests and experiments would be completed in two weeks and all stakeholders, including the PEC, National University of Science and Technology, entrepreneurs in the automobiles industry and researchers, are involved in discussions on the project”.
Agha waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit or cars motor Bike (hydrogen+oxigen H2O electrolysis)

Engineer Aga Waqar Kit developed to run vehicles by water

Engineer Agha Waqar Kit developed to run vehicles by water 

Aga Waqar, a young scientist, claimed to have developed a kit for running vehicles and generators through water.
This amazing invention has been welcomed by the people belonging to all walks of life. A senior advocate, Afzal, said the technique would bring great revolution in the energy sector if the government managed to produce it on industrial basis.
Major Nasir Javed, the senior vice president of the Pakistan Ex-Servicemen Society, said that it was a great development and it must be promoted by the government across the country to end dependence on oil producing countries. The development will not only provide cheaper transport facilities but also save foreign exchange that was spent on import of oil, he added.
“After preparation and successful explosion of bomb, this is the second explosion in the energy sector,” he said and urged the government and public to extend their full support and cooperation to the young engineer to promote the technology. He said “oil mafia” was likely to create hurdle in the way of promoting this technology of water kit as it was in the national interest.  Nasir Mangat Advocate said the engineer should be protected from those whose business would suffer in case of manufacturing water kit at large scale.


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