
Agha waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit or cars motor Bike (hydrogen+oxigen H2O electrolysis)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Agha Waqar Dr. Abdul qadeer and Dr.atta-ur-Rahman discussion on water fuel kit

Agha Waqar Dr. Abdul qadeer and Dr.atta-ur-Rahman discussion on water fuel kit Capital Talk - 31st July 2012

Dr. Abdul Quadeer Khan Dr. A. Q. Khan Research Laboratories Kahuta, Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman Scientist and Scholar, Dr. Shaukat Pervaiz Chairman Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Engineer Agha Waqar in fresh episode of Capital Talk on Geo News and talk with Hamid Mir.

Govt institutions & authorities not serious to end energy crises & load shedding: Agha Waqar

Govt institutions & authorities not serious to end energy crises & load shedding: Agha Waqar

LARKANA, (SANA): Increasing energy crises and load shedding in Pakistan may be end if revolutionary steps taken by the government and Pakistani nuclear scientist Dr. Qadeer Khan, help him to covert all power generation units into water fueling kit despite the use of billions of rupees in Thar coal project yet no results, said Agha Waqar.
A well-known Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar Pathan, who successfully demonstrated and several times experiment of running a car on water in the presence of several Federal Ministers, Scientists, Bureaucrats, Academics and Media persons at Sports Complex Islamabad, has said that the government institutions and authorities are not serious to end energy crises and load shedding, while he discouraged by those elements do not want to be a Pakistan prosperous and revolutionary changes in the agriculture, energy sector, automobiles, technology and other advancements.
Countrywide acknowledgements received to the Engineer Agha Waqar and welcome the bold steps of Prime Minister and his team including Federal Minister for Science and Technology Mir Changez Khan Jamali, Federal, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Qamar Zaman Kaira, Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah, Deputy Speaker of National Assembly Faisal Karim Kundi and Advisor of Prime Minister on Petroleum Dr. Asim Husssain for taking serious steps to the objectives.
A large number of countrywide citizens have sent felicitations to Sindhi Scientist of Khairpur.
After successful driving water car in Khairpur, Larkana, Hdyerabad, Karachi and Islamabad several Ministers, MNAs, MPAs, Citizens, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and others widely supported his successful experiment and demanded for immediate launch of water kits in country to facilitate the deprived people of Pakistan and world. Entire nation encouraged Agha Waqar Pathan a local engineer from Sindh for his marvelous work.
The civil society has appealed to the President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister of Pakistan for providing security to Agha Waqar by launching water-kit projects in four provinces immediately and patent its product national and International level.
Meanwhile, the civil society has strongly demanded that Pakistani government should take serious step to protect the young and provide all opportunities on the occasion. They said it would be a tremendous step to the development in country and Pakistan would be a prosperous by revolutionary steps in energy sector providing priceless and saving billions of rupees of fuel energy.

Analysis of Water-Fueled Cars by Aurangzeb

Yes, it is Pakistan again this time consolidating its controversial position as a promising democratic country endeavoring to restructure the pillars of the state; a nuclear state calling for world-wide peace; promising the spark of innovation in its intelligence quotient; managing its feeble economy amidst the war on terror being played on its very ground; and aspiring to control its energy crises that have prevailed for over half a decade now.
A Pakistani of a middle class background has engineered a fuel production “device” for cars, a fuel kit that consumes distilled water and produces Hydrogen through the process of electrolysis. Having gone through experimentation in other countries in a variety of ways, the idea has eventually struck a local experimenter; it is being claimed by the designer to be a novel product, ‘first of its kind’ with innovations never tried before.

Running a car with water as a fuel has always been a longed-for dream in the modern economy. Keeping in mind the increasing hike in the international oil prices, people have been working on finding alternative sources of energy. A Pakistani engineer, Agha Waqar Ahmed claims that he has succeeded in running a car with distilled water as a fuel.
Agha Waqar is a Pakistani engineer who holds a diploma and a degree from Government College of Technology Khairpur, Sindh. The middle aged man has been working on his project for the past 3 years. His “water kit” has been running successfully for more than a year now. The water kit he and his coworkers have made is a small device attached in the car that separates the hydrogen from water and supplies it to the engine.
Agha is not the first one to work on this kind of a project. Many scientists from around the world have been working on running a car on water. Stanley Meyer, an American, made the water fuel cell and claimed that his apparatus can run any automobile through water. However, he was declared fraudulent by an Ohio court in 1996. He died mysteriously after dining in a restaurant on March 21, 1998. According to an encyclopedia, conspiracy theorists insist that he was poisoned to suppress the technology, and that oil companies and the United States government were involved in his death.
In 2002, Denny Klein, again an American, claimed a similar innovation and applied for a patent that claimed he had discovered a new property of water, naming it HHO instead of H2O. Surprisingly, Agha has been found using the same term in one of his interviews. Denny could not proceed much in his discovery, but it is evident that he used water to make a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gas, the two gases that constitute water.
The Japanese have been working on similar projects too, a company named Genepax did the same and failed in 2009. The cause of their failure is not known as they did not reveal their technology.
Daniel Dingel of Phillipines and a Srilankan engineer once made the same kind of apparatus but never came into limelight. Daniel and many others were subject to fraud cases and were snubbed immediately.
Agha Waqar, a Pakistani inventor, will face many challenges like the previous people did. At least it is good to know that the invention is being checked by many top scientists and engineers of Pakistan. The case has also been forwarded to the parliament, while the government will support the mass production of the equipment if it succeeds the strenuous tests.
Two different talk shows on two different TV channels have spared their time and “energy” to pay compliments to Agha Saheb. Two senior parliamentarians, Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah and Senator Pervaiz Rasheed applauded Agha’s efforts and extended their support to his efforts in commercializing the idea for public benefit. The discussion was neither meant as a compliment to Agha Waqar, nor was meant for him to face the public defense. Yet, Ministry of Science and Technology has been asked to (1) step in and conduct a fact-finding exercise; (b) evaluate the feasibility in question; (c) take the responsibility either to reject the concept on “technical grounds” as suggested by Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman or accept the innovation on “economic grounds”; and (d) initiate the modality to move forward with mass production on a commercial basis.
Where many engineers and scientists have been stunned by the strange invention by Agha Waqar, Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman insists that the apparatus will soon fail because it does not follow the fundamental laws of science, especially the Law of Conservation of Energy. Talking in a talk show, he said that the invention is ‘non-sense.’ Still Agha Waqar claimed that (a) his fellow scientists have already tested it thoroughly; (b) Senior Parliamentarians and people from the media have already been given trial tests; (c) he can demonstrate his invention to Doctor Saheb as well for appropriate review. Yet he failed to convince Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman in his position as a prominent scientist and an authority on subject like energy conservation. According to the scholar (a) the device does not fulfill the criteria of Law of Conservation of Energy; (b) allowing its operation as a perpetual motion machine is a befooling approach, say like living in a fool’s paradise; (c) so it’s a sheer nonsense.
It is also a fact that in history two engineers working on this technology died mysteriously. Another was allegedly charged with fraud and then put to task. It seems that the global stake holders in petroleum exploration industry would again be shocked and would fasten their seat belts to declare Agha’s technology as fraud. His life security needs to be addressed immediately.
Discussion on Technical Analysis and Fact Finding:
1. Agha has not yet disclosed the scientific and technical aspects of this invention. No one knows, except him and his coworkers, what material he has used in the electrodes and what is hidden inside the ‘bubbler’ that was demonstrated by him. However, if the gas burnt in the engine is pure hydrogen, the process may be extremely environment friendly as the by-product is nothing but water vapor.
Agha Waqar’s invention seems quite similar to Dr. Chaudhry Ghulam Sarwar’s invention that came into limelight in Dec 2011. He once said in an interview that his work would be implementable till June 2012 but no such news has come up till date. The clarification of ambiguity remains unattended. Besides exploring the pros and cons of Agha’s technical discovery it has to be studied vis-à-vis the proposed technology of Dr. Ghulam Sarwar.
2. Agha is not academically trained to present himself for public defense with his Research and Development (R&D). So he could not satisfy Atta-ur-Rahman on the question of the ampere load on the car battery that the water-fuel kit would make, let alone the usage of word “ampere” in the discussion.
3. Agha would need the services of consultants who can speak for him and offer technical replies to the technical people evaluating his product.
4. The discussion of anode, cathode and the process of electrolysis used by his water-fuel kit was not brought under discussion on the TV talk show. It is imperative on Agha to disclose the wisdom behind his product in order for technical experts to approve it.
5. According to Agha Waqar, the experimental car Suzuki Cultus with a 1.0L engine can run for 40Kms through a liter of distilled water as fuel, costing Rs. 10 at the max. The same distance would be covered with petrol of three hundred Rupees. This surprisingly is around 3000% decrease of cost for an average Pakistani automobile consumer. However, as Agha claims, the one-time cost of the kit would be less than fifty thousand Rupees.
6. If this technology succeeds in the race, it will be the sole solution to the energy crisis all over the world. Distilled water will then be used for production of electrical energy instead of furnace oil. Water-run cars will be there on the roads. It will be a total world-wide revolution. If this technology proves to be a true and useful invention, we would surely be proud to claim the patent to our nation.
7. To us, it seems to be truly useful as Agha has been running the car for more than 6 months successfully. His water-run car was also tested by a TV anchor, Senator Pervaiz Rashid and Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah, the minister for Religious Affairs.
8. There is some reason why this technology has been snubbed so greatly the previous few times. There are many people, as we can well imagine, who would not like to see this technology to appear in the market place. With their stake in speculation of oil pricing, the international lobbyists will definitely try to snub this invention. It now depends on the government on how well they can deal with the international pressure.
9. This is a trillion-dollar game, a challenge for the global economy. For Pakistan, inventing this technology is certainly a greater pull ahead than the one we did in May 1998. We need to show diplomacy; we need to be assertive here; we need to show our strengths as active participants of the global economy; we need to address the issues of global recession and extend a solution to combat energy crises in Pakistan and other developing countries.
10. The world economy would take a major turn, as the mining done for crude-oil in the oil-rich countries will be immediately affected by its long-term impact. Flourishing economies of US, Europe and the oil-rich countries will go downhill. If this technology is patented to the government of Pakistan, it can become one of the major economies of the world. Cost of production of consumer goods will decline, obviously our exports will increase and so would the dollar reserves. The overall economy will move to the next level.
11. To our understanding major corporations manage a fleet of vehicles in each town they operate. It is suggested that they volunteer a vehicle for a month to be turned on Agha’s technology. This will (a) reduce their vehicle operation cost; (b) prove the validity of this technology; (c) pass or otherwise the vehicle endurance test under various weather and environmental conditions in various cities of Pakistan. This is not so easy. The vehicle safety rules would need to be followed. Insurance of vehicles and passengers for one month will need to be taken care of. The Insurance Companies will have to own the idea in national interest.
12. On a bigger canvas with world-wide perspective, a new dimension to Reshaping Global Economy is under review. Development alternatives are being considered and evaluated on a technical basis. Yet some of them are rejected with a silence to let the leading economies grow further. Soon we will discover the fate of Agha Waqar’s water-fuel kit that would either replace the contemporary fuel source in automobiles or declare the status quo?
It is imperative on us to evaluate the technology offered by Agha Waqar in the national interest. A little modification and development is still needed to incorporate his basic, or more so primitive, approach towards this development. This is a food for thought for the Engineering, Automobiles and Energy Conservation Specialists. We look upon the Government of Pakistan to be in reign to develop the technology further. Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Ministry of Science and Technology, Leading Universities and various associations of industrialists are a few quarters that can be immediately engaged in the venture.

Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit

Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit.

Now days in Pakistan's media hot topic which is many channels discussing about Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar Ahmed's water fuel kit invention his team claimed to invent a unique device which can run cars motor bikes and any other fuel engine  water fuel kit is not a new idea many other people claimed about water as fuel to use in petrol car

watch car running on water at Dawn TV.

Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman Scientist Scholar, Engineer Agha Waqar, Syed Moin Raza Software Engineer and Zulfiqar Ghurmani in fresh episode of News Night With Talat on Dawn News talk with Syed Talat Hussain.
Dr.Atta-ur-Rahman refused his claimed and said its nonsense invetion making fool to Pakistani people and media on geo Tv program capital talk with hamid meer he said he is doing fraud in same Program Dr. abdul Qader appreciated his efforts and said that he should be get patient before technical examine to engineers.
but he said i can prove it he also demonstrate his invention to many people, politicians, and media

more detail Pakistani engineer Agha waqar water fuel kit for car

Related Article analysis of water- fueled car

Monday, July 30, 2012

bio-gas plants to treat the organic waste generated

Chinmaya Vidyalaya schools in the city have been installed with bio-gas plants to treat the organic waste generated, including the Chinmaya Vidyalaya at Vazhuthacaud | By Mukesh Venu
On Jul 30, 2012

Waste disposal at schools could be a daunting task; especially when the number of students numbers a thousand. The issue of waste treatment remains caught up in the political jinx, and every home, hospital, hotel and institution is left to itself in sorting out effective and efficient treatment methods to get rid of the organic waste that is generated on a daily basis.

The Chinmaya Mission has been an active participant in spreading education through out the transitionary periods that the state has gone through ever since its formation.
Keeping up this legacy, the school management has come forward with an environment friendly way to treat food waste that's generated in the five schools functioning under the Chinmaya Mission in the city. Every school has been equipped with a bio-gas plant to convert the food waste generated into usable biogas.

“There are close to a thousand students studying in this school,” says Ashalatha, Principal, Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vazhuthacaud. “The bio-gas plant had to be installed as we did not possess a proper method to do something about the gathering food waste.”

With options for waste disposal running short in the city, the bio-gas plant was more a necessity than an alternative for the school. The financial aid for installing the bio-gas plant at these schools came from the Chinmaya Trust, and was installed with the help of students, teachers and the PTA of the schools.


The food waste is dumped into the plant containing the cultivated bacteria population, which converts the waste into fuel gas and left over composite. The bacterial population in the plant is fast growing and the small plant is enough to treat the waste generated from the whole school every day.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

biogas from pizza

Much of what we discard each day can be reused. Most people know that materials like glass and paper can be easily recycled. What’s not such common knowledge is that food waste is also a valuable resource.Modern biogas plants can turn food waste into electricity. Our reporter Marion Hütter went on the trail of old pizzas, and found out how they’re used to generate electricity.

Biogas – Turning Pizza into Power | Made in... by DW_English

biogas in indonesia

For some residents in Bali, Indonesia, biogas has become an alternative energy source for cooking. The energy which comes from cattle dung is proving to be cost-effective as well as green. Here’s more from our correspondent in Bali.

A resident of Kerta Village in Bali, Wayan Sutri, doesn't worry about the rising cost of LPG and kerosene, used by many as energy for cooking.

It's because Sutri and dozens of other villagers are turning cattle dung onto bio-gas.

It all started with Sutri’s husband who had some knowledge of the procedure.

They’ve now been using the methane gas for two years.

[Wayan Sutri, Biogas User]:
“Since I began using this biogas, I feel it's very safe. And I can reduce my daily shopping budget as it’s no longer necessary to buy gas.”

Sutri makes biogas in quite a simple way.

She uses a concrete reactor dome with a 6-cubic-meter capacity, an inlet with a diameter of 50 centimeters, a water pipe, and a special biogas stove.

The methane biogas from cattle dung has become the villagers’ first choice in green, sustainable energy.

In developing countries like Indonesia, biogas is receiving increasing attention as an alternative to fossil fuel.

Indonesia’s tropical climate is especially suitable for the fermentation process needed in producing methane.

The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources says they are planning to develop 800 biogas installation units in 6 Indonesian provinces—including Bali—this year.

NTD News, Bali, Indonesia.

Biogas—Indonesians Cook Green With Cheap LPG... by NTDTV


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