
Agha waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit or cars motor Bike (hydrogen+oxigen H2O electrolysis)

Friday, September 28, 2012

Mini Biogas plant kitchen waste


I have been searching for some method of using the food waste, decomposable organic material and kitchen waste efficiently, and came across information on producing biogas from organic waste.

The biogas produced from food waste, decomposable organic material and kitchen waste, consisting of methane and a little amount of carbon di oxide is an alternative fuel for cooking gas (LPG). Also, the waste materials can be disposed off efficiently without any odor or flies and the digested slurry from the biogas unit can be used as an organic manure in the garden.

Scientific Experiments Urdu سائنسی تجربات

سائنسی تجربات

اس تجربے سے شعلہ کے بارے میں ایک نہایت عجیب حقیقت ظاہر ہوتی ہے۔ اگرچہ شعلے کا زیادہ تو حصہ اتنا گرم ہوتا ہے کہ چھوﺅ تو انگلیاں جل جائیں۔لیکن اس کے عین وسط میں ایک ٹھنڈی جگہ ہوتی ہے۔ شائد آپ کا خیال…
ایک موم بتی جلائیے اور اسے ایک گہری پلیٹ کے درمیان پگھلی ہوئی موم کے چند قطروں پر مضبوطی سے کھڑا کردیجیے۔ پھر تقریباساری پلیٹ پانی سے بھر دیجیے۔ موم بتی فوراّ بوتل کے اندر کی ہوا کو گرم کرنے لگی گی اور اسے…
سورج کی تپش وہ حرارت ہے جس سے ہم سب واقف ہےں لیکن ہم اس حرارت کوبھی جانتے ہیں جو چولھے کی آگ، کوئلہ کی آگ، لکڑی کی آگ اور وم بتی کی لو سے پیدا ہوتی ہے۔ حرارت ایک زبردست اور سرگرم طاقت…
جسم کو واٹر پروف کرنے کا مطلب یہ ہے کہ جسم پر پانی اثر نہ کرسکے۔ یہ تجربہ ظاہر میں جادو کا کھیل معلوم ہوتا ہے لیکن سائنسی اصول پر مبنی ہے۔ آپ دوستوں کو بلا کر یہ تجربہ کیجیے تو خوب مزہ رہے…
ہانی کی سطح کے تناﺅ کو استعمال کرنے کا ایک دلچسپ طریقہ یہ ہے کہ اس سے پانی کے برتن میں ایک ننھی منی کشتی کو خاص رفتار سے چلالیا جائے۔ جو لوگ اس کی سائنس سے واقف نہیں وہ حیران ہوگے کہ وہ…
ہر شخص یہی سمجھتا ہے کہ اگردھات کا کوئی ٹکڑا پانی میں ڈالا جائے تو وہ فوراّ ڈوب جائے گا اگر چہ فولاد پانی سے بہت بھاری ہوتا ہے لیکن آپ چاہیں تو کسی فولادی چیز کو پانی کی سطح پر تیرا سکتے ہیں۔…
سائنسدان بتاتے ہیں کہ پانی میں جوش آنے کے وقت کا دارومدار بات پر ہے کہ پانی کی سطح پر ہوا کے دباﺅ کی مقدار کتنی ہے۔ جب ہوا کا دباﺅ زیادہ زیادہ ہوگا تو جب تک پانی کو معمول سے زیادہ حرارت نہیں…
جب آپ پانی میں پھول ڈالتے ہیں تو پانی ٹہنی کی باریک رگوں میں چلا جاتا ہے، ایسی رگیں بہت سی چیزوں مثلاّ کاغذ اور گتے میں بھی ہوتی ہےں اور پانی ان میں بھی اسی طرح داخل ہوجاتا ہے جیسے پھول کی ٹہنی…
اگر آپ کو یہ معلوم کرنا ہے کہ گہرائی میں پانی کا دباﺅ کس تیزی سے بڑھتا ہے تو ضروری نہیں کہ آپ وطہ زنی سیکھ کر پانی میں چھلانگ لگادیں۔ ایک ٹن کا ڈبہ حاصل کیجیے۔ اس پر کیل سے چار سوراخ اس…
آپ دیکھ چکیں ہیں کہ جب پانی گرم ہوتا ہے تو ہلکا ہوجاتا ہے اور پھیلتا ہے۔ اب آپ ایک اور بات بھی دیکھ سکتے ہیں کہ حرارت میں پانی کے سالموں کی حرکت تیز ہوجاتی ہیں۔ اس بات کو ثابت کرنے کے لیے…
یہ تجربہ کرنے کیلیے ایک گلاس کو اوپر تک پانی سے بھر دیجیے۔ نمک سے بھرا ہوا ایک نمکدان لیجیے۔ ایک ہاتھ میں اسے لیکر پانی میں نمک گراتے جائیے اور دوسرے ہاتھ سے ایک تنکے کی مدد سے پانی میں نمک حل کرتے…
اگر آپ پاﺅ بھر پانی کے ایک گلاس میں انڈا ڈالیں تو انڈا فوراّ ڈوب کر نیچے بیٹھ جائے گا۔ اس کی وجہ یہ ہے کہ انڈا پانی سے زیادہ بھاری ہے اور چونکہ زیادہ بھاری ہے اسلیے اتنی ہی جسامت کے پانی سے…
تجربے کے لیے تین چیزوں کی ضرورت ہے۔ ایک گلاس، دوا کی گولیوں والی چھوٹی سی شیشی اور ایک فاﺅنٹین پین جس میں رونائی بھری ہو۔ گلاس کو ٹھنڈے پانی سے تقریباّ بھر دیجیے۔ پھر شیشی میں دو تہائی پانی بھر لیجیے۔ پین کی…

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Science Technology Articles Urdu from pakistan science club website

The flying machine (Urdu)

The flying machine (Urdu) article by (Sultan Imran express urdu) Mohammad Zakaria quote from the book of Muslim's scientific achievements  
بائیو گیس کا اَمرت دھارا this column written by Aslam Khan and publish in express Urdu, in this column author sharing his views about biogas plants    
Farash a useful plant, article about farash in Urdu writing by Qamar Mehdi in technologytimes news paper pakistan science club publish with permission of
Birds too mourn when their loved ones die Scientists have found in their research that it does to birds, dead birds are usually gathered around them as if they are celebrating  mourning.
Higgs Boson:A surprising discovery (Urdu) ہگس بوذون، ایک حیرت انگیز دریافت Higgs particle is a proposed elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics      

Friday, September 21, 2012

make your own pet bottle Water Rocket

make your own pet bottle Water Rocket

Water rockets are easy to make and use materials found in daily life. Children will be thrilled, and their creativity stimulated, watching their hand-made rockets soar skyward to unexpected heights. Water rockets that perform well have good science behind them. Similarly, behind every failure is a scientific concept that has been violated.So it is essential that children understand the fundamentals of water rockets. Water rockets have much in common with real rockets, allowing children to experience the same excitement that rocket engineers do. Several key points must be remembered if your students are to succeed in making water rockets that fly high, straight and safely – and enjoy themselves in the process. Targeting teachers and instructors, this project is designed to explain not only how to make water rockets, but also provide them with all the essentials required to make technically sound craft. In other words, this project offers teachers and instructors the means with which to instruct children as to the key points to bear in mind when making safe, high-performance water rockets. This project also contains tips regarding the motivations and aspirations children should be encouraged to entertain, and abilities within each child that can be developed. We sincerely hope this project and the accompanying Video will help you to develop educational programs that allow your children to learn the basics of water rockets and develop their activities as mini rocket engineers buoyed by dreams of flight yet dedicated to safety.

Learn how to make water rocket visit
Making of Water Rocket

Friday, August 3, 2012

secret of Agha Waqar the Water-Kit inventor: Agha Waqar fraud exposed

 secret of Agha Waqar the Water-Kit inventor exposed

Secret of Agha Waqar the Water-Kit inventor answers some questions of  Dr. Samar Mubarakmand on Pakistan television.

 Agha Waqar  Water-Kit Secret  exposed by Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, Agha Waqar can not give the answers some questions of  Dr. Samar Mubarakmand, he use calcium carbide C2H2 to produce acetylene (ethyne) gas calcium carbide C2H2 with react with water to produce it

(Acetylene (systematic name: ethyne) is the chemical compound with the formula C2H2. It is a hydrocarbon and the simplest alkyne. This colorless gas is widely used as a fuel and a chemical building block. It is unstable in pure form and thus is usually handled as a solution. Pure acetylene is odorless, but commercial grades usually have a marked odor due to impurities.)

Demonstration of water-powered car:

Demonstration of water-powered car

Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar ahmed claimed to invent water fuel car's kitThe Pakistani engineer who last week debuted a new technology purportedly enabling cars to run on water has accepted an invitation to visit Abu Dhabi, the Pakistani ambassador’s office told Khaleej Times.

The visit will take place in recognition of Waqar Ahmad’s invention of the “water fuel kit”, which he demonstrated to a gathering of Pakistani parliamentarians, scientists and students in Islamabad on July 26.

Pakistani Ambassador to the UAE Jamil Khan and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Director-General Adnan Z. Amin have agreed to stage another demonstration permitting world bodies to closely scrutinise the new technology, said the ambassador’s office. The event’s location and date will be determined once Pakistan’s Ministry of Science and Technology officially certifies the water fuel kit’s authenticity.

“The invention by the Pakistani engineer holds enormous potential considering that, if it is also certified by the IRENA after the upcoming demo, it can dramatically change the global dependence on fossil fuels, which also pollute the environment,” said Ambassador Khan. The ambassador expressed hope that the IRENA’s certification of the water fuel kit will help market the eco-friendly technology to a global consumer base.

Ahmad’s invention has been described as a “water fuelling system” and claims to power vehicles with hydrogen gas produced from “hydrogen bonding” with distilled water. According to reports in Pakistani newspaper Dawn, running a car on the water fuel kit technology will be cheaper than the use of petrol or compressed natural gas (CNG).

Dawn also reported that Pakistan’s Minister of Religious Affairs Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah attended the demonstration in Islamabad and himself drove the water fuel kit-equipped car. The minister assured Ahmad of the government’s support in protecting and developing the project.


The Car Running by water Power: A Feasibility Report for Electrical Energy

The Car Running by water Power: A Feasibility Report for Electrical Energy by Mudassir Abbas

Water-driven Cars: The major question in everyone's mind now a days is to resolve the mystery, specially considering 'the energy contents of the system'. As the major energy source in here is electrical power provided by the battery and its consumption in fuel cell so the law of conservation of energy for electical energy is presented. The calculations are simple and answerable to everyone so please feel free to ask if any ambiguity still remaining.
Law of conservation of energy - The mystery resolved.pdf
After some recent calculations for the heat of enthalpies for combustion of conventional gasoline fuel and hydrogen gas. It was concluded that the heat of combustion from hydrogen is three times as big as heat of combustion from gasoline. In the next step, an approach towards the electrical power production and its consumption in water based fuel cars would be presented.

Energy Produced from battery

In the step wise procedure we must know about the basic facts that a 12 V car battery can produce maximum of 40 A of current that corresponds to 12 X 40 = 480 watts of power according to basic formula
P = VI
P = 12 x 40 = 480 watts (or J/sec)
Now if this battery continuously provides direct current for 1 hour it will produce 0.48 kWh
of energy
The calculations are as follows
p = E / t
That corresponds to
E = P x t
if power is produced for one hour
E = 480 X 1 = 480 Wh or 0.48 KWh
This is the amount of energy which can be used in producing hydrogen gas from electrolysis
of water.

Energy Consumed by the battery for electrolysis 

Now the amount of energy consumed in electrolytic cell calculated: Ideally, 39 kWh of electrical energy is required to convert 8.9 kg of water to produce 1kg of hydrogen and 7.9 kg of oxygen completely. While typical commercial electrolyzer system has efficiencies ranges from 56% to 73% and this corresponds to 70.1–53.4 kWh/kg:

How much distance a car can travel with 1kg of hydrogen?
Normally, 47. 3 MJ is the energy consumed by a 1000cc car when it uses 1 kg ( ~1.40 liter) of petrol and on average car cannot give more than 20 km in one liter of fuel. Keeping the same figures in mind the energy produced by 1kg of hydrogen can give (141.9 / 47.3) x 28 = 84 km with 1kg (500mol) of hydrogen

To run a car for 84km, 1kg of hydrogen must be produced from fuel cells while providing 39 kWh or more amount of electricity.

Law of conservation of energy 

Maximum energy produced by one battery = 0.48 KWh
Energy consumed by fuel cell to produce 1kg of hydrogen = 39 kWh
Number of batteries required to produce 39kWh of energy = 39 / 0.48 = 81
That corresponds
81 batteries in parallel are required with 9 liters of water to produce 1 kg of hydrogen torun the car for 85 km after full consumption.

With 0.48 KW of battery power continuously provided to the electrolytic cell (and to no other power consuming source) for one hour will give the amount of hydrogen practically as 6.85 gm in total, which can run a car for 582 meters only.

The following questions are still to be answered
1. Is the battery providing continues current to run it for smooth electrolytic process?
2. The conditions in electrolytic cell are really ideal to give maximum efficiency?
3. The gas collectors for hydrogen and oxygen are leak free and have maximum storage
and transportation?
4. Are both the electrodes are long lasting and stable in solution?
5. Is the electrolyte used is cheap, efficient and environment friendly?
Note: These all calculations are based on the fact that no generator or external source is
producing the electrical power and inserting it back into the battery of car.

“Technology Brief: Analysis of Current-Day Commercial Electrolyzers,” NREL, Golden, CO NREL/FS-56036705,

See also B. Kroposki, J. Levene, and  K.Harrison, “Electrolysis: Information and Opportunities for

Power Utilities,” Technical report, NREL/TP-581-40605, September, 2006

Where 141.9 is the energy of combustion for hydrogen and 47.3 is the energy of combustion for petrol. Also
see the reference given below (for more details) Karl Griesbaum et al. "Hydrocarbons" in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry 2005, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.

All calculations are based on ideal battery power and ideal electrolytic system.

Download pdf

Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar ahmed claimed to invent water fuel car

Solar Panels and types article in Urdu

Solar Panels and types article in Urdu سولر پینلز اور ان کی اقسامSolar

(0 votes)
 Solar Panels and types article in Urud سولر پینلز اور ان کی اقسامSolar   
article in Urud سولر پینلز اور ان کی اقسامSolar 

تحریر: ایم بلال ایم

سولر پینل صرف بجلی بنانے والے نہیں ہوتے بلکہ ان کی مدد سے دھوپ سے مختلف چیزیں، جیسے پانی وغیرہ بھی گرم کیا جاتا ہے۔ اس تحریر میں ہم صرف ان سولر پینل کی اقسام دیکھتے ہیں جن سے بجلی بنائی جاتی ہے اور یہ کہ ان اقسام میں سے پاکستان کیلئے کونسی بہتر ہے۔
بجلی بنانے والے سولر پینل کو پی وی یعنی فوٹو وولٹیک پینل کہا جاتا ہے۔ سولر پینل دراصل سولر سیل کا مجموعہ ہوتا ہے، جس میں متعدد سولر سیل جوڑ کر ایک پینل تیار کیا جاتا ہے۔ سولر سیل کی عمومی عمر ۲۰ سے ۲۵ سال تک ہوتی ہے، لیکن یہ نہیں کہ اس عرصے کے بعد سولر سیل کام کرنا چھوڑ دیتا ہے، بلکہ اس کی کارکردگی کسی حد تک کم ہو جاتی۔ سولر سیل کی بنیادی طور پر تین اقسام ہیں، مونو کرسٹلائن سیل، پولی کرسٹلائن سیل اور تھِن فلم/ایمارفیس سیل۔
مونو کرسٹلائن، جیسا کہ نام سے ظاہر ہے، اس کا ایک سیل سیلیکون کے ایک کرسٹل سے تیار ہوتا ہے۔ یہ سیل عموماً کالے رنگ کا ہوتا ہے اور تھوڑی روشنی میں بھی کام کرتا ہے۔ مونو کرسٹلائن سیل پر پڑنے والی روشنی میں سے ۱۸ فیصد جذب کر کے اس سے بجلی بنا دیتا ہے۔ یہی وجہ ہے کہ سولر سیل میں یہ سب سے مہنگا ہوتا ہے اور سب سے حساس بھی سجھا جاتا ہے۔

Read More Solar Panels and types in Urdu



Thursday, August 2, 2012

Engineer Agha Waqar receiving threats from Mafia no response given to him by the government of Pakistan.

Agha Waqar Pakistani Car Kit inventor Engineer, Agha Waqar while talking to media said, that after his great achievement of inventing water-kit to run vehicles, receiving threats from Mafia:[/caption]

No step has yet been taken by the government of Pakistan regarding security arrangements. He also said that he has been awarded with great pride and respect by British including Singapore but it is sad that there was no response given to him by the government of Pakistan.

Few days ago, a Pakistani Engineer, Agha Waqar claimed to invent water-kit to run vehicles fueled by water leaving the world shocked. During a discussion on a live TV show, Engineer Agha Waqar gave the opinion that vehicles could be driven by a system fueled by distilled water instead of petrol. He claimed that a vehicle will consume one-litre water for 40 kilometers while a one-KV generator could produce electrcity for two hours by one-litre of water.

However, during a demonstration on live TV show, Agha Waqar Ahmed drove his car using water as a fuel. Agha Waqar Ahmed is the first who took initiative for introducing this technology in Pakistan but some TV channels are claiming that something the world already saw decades ago has been invented by Pakistan in 2012.

Minister for religious Affair Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah, who heads the cabinet committee, said the Ministry of Science and Technology will fully support the Sukkur-based engineer. “The ministry and the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) will study the feasibility of the project as soon as possible”. He added.

The Minister said they would provide complete security to Engineer, Agha Waqar Ahmed, adding that the formula will also be kept in secret.














Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Pakistani engineer has claimed to build a water-kit to run vehicles on water

 A Pakistani engineer has claimed to build a water-kit to run vehicles on water

A Pakistani engineer has claimed to build a water-kit to run vehicles on water, leaving the world astounded and shocked.
During a demonstration in a live TV show, Engineer Agha Waqar Ahmed drove his car using water as fuel. The engineer was of the opinion that vehicles could be driven by a system fuelled by distilled water instead of petroleum products.
A sub-committee of the cabinet while praising the Water Fuel Kit Project assured the engineer of full support in launching of his innovation.
Waqar Ahmed while explaining his project said the water fuelling system was a simple technology in which ‘hydrogen bonding’ with distilled water produces hydrogen gas to run a car engine.
He claimed that a vehicle will consume one-litre water for 40 kilometers while a one-KV generator could produce electricity for two hours by one-litre water.
Minister for Religious Affairs Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah, who heads the cabinet committee, said the Ministry of Science and Technology will fully support the Sukkur-based engineer. “The ministry and the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) will study the feasibility of the project as soon as possible” he added.
Earlier, he was briefed by the engineer about the project and took the matter to the federal cabinet.
In a live TV show, broadcasted on a private TV channel, the minister along with the host and a member from opposition party drove the water-kit car.
The Minister said that they would provide complete security to Engineer Waqar Ahmed, adding that the formula will also be kept in secret.
He noted, “Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and Finance Minister Hafeez Shaikh highly valued the project. We own this project and are committed to successfully completing it”.
Earlier, Minister for Science and Technology Mir Changez Khan Jamali described the concept as a pioneering effort which could play a role in overcoming the energy crisis in the country. The new technology will be this year’s Independence Day gift to the nation, he added.
He added, “All required tests and experiments would be completed in two weeks and all stakeholders, including the PEC, National University of Science and Technology, entrepreneurs in the automobiles industry and researchers, are involved in discussions on the project”.
Agha waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit or cars motor Bike (hydrogen+oxigen H2O electrolysis)

Engineer Aga Waqar Kit developed to run vehicles by water

Engineer Agha Waqar Kit developed to run vehicles by water 

Aga Waqar, a young scientist, claimed to have developed a kit for running vehicles and generators through water.
This amazing invention has been welcomed by the people belonging to all walks of life. A senior advocate, Afzal, said the technique would bring great revolution in the energy sector if the government managed to produce it on industrial basis.
Major Nasir Javed, the senior vice president of the Pakistan Ex-Servicemen Society, said that it was a great development and it must be promoted by the government across the country to end dependence on oil producing countries. The development will not only provide cheaper transport facilities but also save foreign exchange that was spent on import of oil, he added.
“After preparation and successful explosion of bomb, this is the second explosion in the energy sector,” he said and urged the government and public to extend their full support and cooperation to the young engineer to promote the technology. He said “oil mafia” was likely to create hurdle in the way of promoting this technology of water kit as it was in the national interest.  Nasir Mangat Advocate said the engineer should be protected from those whose business would suffer in case of manufacturing water kit at large scale.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Agha Waqar Dr. Abdul qadeer and Dr.atta-ur-Rahman discussion on water fuel kit

Agha Waqar Dr. Abdul qadeer and Dr.atta-ur-Rahman discussion on water fuel kit Capital Talk - 31st July 2012

Dr. Abdul Quadeer Khan Dr. A. Q. Khan Research Laboratories Kahuta, Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman Scientist and Scholar, Dr. Shaukat Pervaiz Chairman Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Engineer Agha Waqar in fresh episode of Capital Talk on Geo News and talk with Hamid Mir.

Govt institutions & authorities not serious to end energy crises & load shedding: Agha Waqar

Govt institutions & authorities not serious to end energy crises & load shedding: Agha Waqar

LARKANA, (SANA): Increasing energy crises and load shedding in Pakistan may be end if revolutionary steps taken by the government and Pakistani nuclear scientist Dr. Qadeer Khan, help him to covert all power generation units into water fueling kit despite the use of billions of rupees in Thar coal project yet no results, said Agha Waqar.
A well-known Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar Pathan, who successfully demonstrated and several times experiment of running a car on water in the presence of several Federal Ministers, Scientists, Bureaucrats, Academics and Media persons at Sports Complex Islamabad, has said that the government institutions and authorities are not serious to end energy crises and load shedding, while he discouraged by those elements do not want to be a Pakistan prosperous and revolutionary changes in the agriculture, energy sector, automobiles, technology and other advancements.
Countrywide acknowledgements received to the Engineer Agha Waqar and welcome the bold steps of Prime Minister and his team including Federal Minister for Science and Technology Mir Changez Khan Jamali, Federal, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Qamar Zaman Kaira, Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah, Deputy Speaker of National Assembly Faisal Karim Kundi and Advisor of Prime Minister on Petroleum Dr. Asim Husssain for taking serious steps to the objectives.
A large number of countrywide citizens have sent felicitations to Sindhi Scientist of Khairpur.
After successful driving water car in Khairpur, Larkana, Hdyerabad, Karachi and Islamabad several Ministers, MNAs, MPAs, Citizens, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and others widely supported his successful experiment and demanded for immediate launch of water kits in country to facilitate the deprived people of Pakistan and world. Entire nation encouraged Agha Waqar Pathan a local engineer from Sindh for his marvelous work.
The civil society has appealed to the President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister of Pakistan for providing security to Agha Waqar by launching water-kit projects in four provinces immediately and patent its product national and International level.
Meanwhile, the civil society has strongly demanded that Pakistani government should take serious step to protect the young and provide all opportunities on the occasion. They said it would be a tremendous step to the development in country and Pakistan would be a prosperous by revolutionary steps in energy sector providing priceless and saving billions of rupees of fuel energy.

Analysis of Water-Fueled Cars by Aurangzeb

Yes, it is Pakistan again this time consolidating its controversial position as a promising democratic country endeavoring to restructure the pillars of the state; a nuclear state calling for world-wide peace; promising the spark of innovation in its intelligence quotient; managing its feeble economy amidst the war on terror being played on its very ground; and aspiring to control its energy crises that have prevailed for over half a decade now.
A Pakistani of a middle class background has engineered a fuel production “device” for cars, a fuel kit that consumes distilled water and produces Hydrogen through the process of electrolysis. Having gone through experimentation in other countries in a variety of ways, the idea has eventually struck a local experimenter; it is being claimed by the designer to be a novel product, ‘first of its kind’ with innovations never tried before.

Running a car with water as a fuel has always been a longed-for dream in the modern economy. Keeping in mind the increasing hike in the international oil prices, people have been working on finding alternative sources of energy. A Pakistani engineer, Agha Waqar Ahmed claims that he has succeeded in running a car with distilled water as a fuel.
Agha Waqar is a Pakistani engineer who holds a diploma and a degree from Government College of Technology Khairpur, Sindh. The middle aged man has been working on his project for the past 3 years. His “water kit” has been running successfully for more than a year now. The water kit he and his coworkers have made is a small device attached in the car that separates the hydrogen from water and supplies it to the engine.
Agha is not the first one to work on this kind of a project. Many scientists from around the world have been working on running a car on water. Stanley Meyer, an American, made the water fuel cell and claimed that his apparatus can run any automobile through water. However, he was declared fraudulent by an Ohio court in 1996. He died mysteriously after dining in a restaurant on March 21, 1998. According to an encyclopedia, conspiracy theorists insist that he was poisoned to suppress the technology, and that oil companies and the United States government were involved in his death.
In 2002, Denny Klein, again an American, claimed a similar innovation and applied for a patent that claimed he had discovered a new property of water, naming it HHO instead of H2O. Surprisingly, Agha has been found using the same term in one of his interviews. Denny could not proceed much in his discovery, but it is evident that he used water to make a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gas, the two gases that constitute water.
The Japanese have been working on similar projects too, a company named Genepax did the same and failed in 2009. The cause of their failure is not known as they did not reveal their technology.
Daniel Dingel of Phillipines and a Srilankan engineer once made the same kind of apparatus but never came into limelight. Daniel and many others were subject to fraud cases and were snubbed immediately.
Agha Waqar, a Pakistani inventor, will face many challenges like the previous people did. At least it is good to know that the invention is being checked by many top scientists and engineers of Pakistan. The case has also been forwarded to the parliament, while the government will support the mass production of the equipment if it succeeds the strenuous tests.
Two different talk shows on two different TV channels have spared their time and “energy” to pay compliments to Agha Saheb. Two senior parliamentarians, Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah and Senator Pervaiz Rasheed applauded Agha’s efforts and extended their support to his efforts in commercializing the idea for public benefit. The discussion was neither meant as a compliment to Agha Waqar, nor was meant for him to face the public defense. Yet, Ministry of Science and Technology has been asked to (1) step in and conduct a fact-finding exercise; (b) evaluate the feasibility in question; (c) take the responsibility either to reject the concept on “technical grounds” as suggested by Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman or accept the innovation on “economic grounds”; and (d) initiate the modality to move forward with mass production on a commercial basis.
Where many engineers and scientists have been stunned by the strange invention by Agha Waqar, Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman insists that the apparatus will soon fail because it does not follow the fundamental laws of science, especially the Law of Conservation of Energy. Talking in a talk show, he said that the invention is ‘non-sense.’ Still Agha Waqar claimed that (a) his fellow scientists have already tested it thoroughly; (b) Senior Parliamentarians and people from the media have already been given trial tests; (c) he can demonstrate his invention to Doctor Saheb as well for appropriate review. Yet he failed to convince Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman in his position as a prominent scientist and an authority on subject like energy conservation. According to the scholar (a) the device does not fulfill the criteria of Law of Conservation of Energy; (b) allowing its operation as a perpetual motion machine is a befooling approach, say like living in a fool’s paradise; (c) so it’s a sheer nonsense.
It is also a fact that in history two engineers working on this technology died mysteriously. Another was allegedly charged with fraud and then put to task. It seems that the global stake holders in petroleum exploration industry would again be shocked and would fasten their seat belts to declare Agha’s technology as fraud. His life security needs to be addressed immediately.
Discussion on Technical Analysis and Fact Finding:
1. Agha has not yet disclosed the scientific and technical aspects of this invention. No one knows, except him and his coworkers, what material he has used in the electrodes and what is hidden inside the ‘bubbler’ that was demonstrated by him. However, if the gas burnt in the engine is pure hydrogen, the process may be extremely environment friendly as the by-product is nothing but water vapor.
Agha Waqar’s invention seems quite similar to Dr. Chaudhry Ghulam Sarwar’s invention that came into limelight in Dec 2011. He once said in an interview that his work would be implementable till June 2012 but no such news has come up till date. The clarification of ambiguity remains unattended. Besides exploring the pros and cons of Agha’s technical discovery it has to be studied vis-à-vis the proposed technology of Dr. Ghulam Sarwar.
2. Agha is not academically trained to present himself for public defense with his Research and Development (R&D). So he could not satisfy Atta-ur-Rahman on the question of the ampere load on the car battery that the water-fuel kit would make, let alone the usage of word “ampere” in the discussion.
3. Agha would need the services of consultants who can speak for him and offer technical replies to the technical people evaluating his product.
4. The discussion of anode, cathode and the process of electrolysis used by his water-fuel kit was not brought under discussion on the TV talk show. It is imperative on Agha to disclose the wisdom behind his product in order for technical experts to approve it.
5. According to Agha Waqar, the experimental car Suzuki Cultus with a 1.0L engine can run for 40Kms through a liter of distilled water as fuel, costing Rs. 10 at the max. The same distance would be covered with petrol of three hundred Rupees. This surprisingly is around 3000% decrease of cost for an average Pakistani automobile consumer. However, as Agha claims, the one-time cost of the kit would be less than fifty thousand Rupees.
6. If this technology succeeds in the race, it will be the sole solution to the energy crisis all over the world. Distilled water will then be used for production of electrical energy instead of furnace oil. Water-run cars will be there on the roads. It will be a total world-wide revolution. If this technology proves to be a true and useful invention, we would surely be proud to claim the patent to our nation.
7. To us, it seems to be truly useful as Agha has been running the car for more than 6 months successfully. His water-run car was also tested by a TV anchor, Senator Pervaiz Rashid and Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah, the minister for Religious Affairs.
8. There is some reason why this technology has been snubbed so greatly the previous few times. There are many people, as we can well imagine, who would not like to see this technology to appear in the market place. With their stake in speculation of oil pricing, the international lobbyists will definitely try to snub this invention. It now depends on the government on how well they can deal with the international pressure.
9. This is a trillion-dollar game, a challenge for the global economy. For Pakistan, inventing this technology is certainly a greater pull ahead than the one we did in May 1998. We need to show diplomacy; we need to be assertive here; we need to show our strengths as active participants of the global economy; we need to address the issues of global recession and extend a solution to combat energy crises in Pakistan and other developing countries.
10. The world economy would take a major turn, as the mining done for crude-oil in the oil-rich countries will be immediately affected by its long-term impact. Flourishing economies of US, Europe and the oil-rich countries will go downhill. If this technology is patented to the government of Pakistan, it can become one of the major economies of the world. Cost of production of consumer goods will decline, obviously our exports will increase and so would the dollar reserves. The overall economy will move to the next level.
11. To our understanding major corporations manage a fleet of vehicles in each town they operate. It is suggested that they volunteer a vehicle for a month to be turned on Agha’s technology. This will (a) reduce their vehicle operation cost; (b) prove the validity of this technology; (c) pass or otherwise the vehicle endurance test under various weather and environmental conditions in various cities of Pakistan. This is not so easy. The vehicle safety rules would need to be followed. Insurance of vehicles and passengers for one month will need to be taken care of. The Insurance Companies will have to own the idea in national interest.
12. On a bigger canvas with world-wide perspective, a new dimension to Reshaping Global Economy is under review. Development alternatives are being considered and evaluated on a technical basis. Yet some of them are rejected with a silence to let the leading economies grow further. Soon we will discover the fate of Agha Waqar’s water-fuel kit that would either replace the contemporary fuel source in automobiles or declare the status quo?
It is imperative on us to evaluate the technology offered by Agha Waqar in the national interest. A little modification and development is still needed to incorporate his basic, or more so primitive, approach towards this development. This is a food for thought for the Engineering, Automobiles and Energy Conservation Specialists. We look upon the Government of Pakistan to be in reign to develop the technology further. Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Ministry of Science and Technology, Leading Universities and various associations of industrialists are a few quarters that can be immediately engaged in the venture.

Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit

Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit.

Now days in Pakistan's media hot topic which is many channels discussing about Pakistani Engineer Agha Waqar Ahmed's water fuel kit invention his team claimed to invent a unique device which can run cars motor bikes and any other fuel engine  water fuel kit is not a new idea many other people claimed about water as fuel to use in petrol car

watch car running on water at Dawn TV.

Dr. Atta-ur-Rahman Scientist Scholar, Engineer Agha Waqar, Syed Moin Raza Software Engineer and Zulfiqar Ghurmani in fresh episode of News Night With Talat on Dawn News talk with Syed Talat Hussain.
Dr.Atta-ur-Rahman refused his claimed and said its nonsense invetion making fool to Pakistani people and media on geo Tv program capital talk with hamid meer he said he is doing fraud in same Program Dr. abdul Qader appreciated his efforts and said that he should be get patient before technical examine to engineers.
but he said i can prove it he also demonstrate his invention to many people, politicians, and media

more detail Pakistani engineer Agha waqar water fuel kit for car

Related Article analysis of water- fueled car

Monday, July 30, 2012

bio-gas plants to treat the organic waste generated

Chinmaya Vidyalaya schools in the city have been installed with bio-gas plants to treat the organic waste generated, including the Chinmaya Vidyalaya at Vazhuthacaud | By Mukesh Venu
On Jul 30, 2012

Waste disposal at schools could be a daunting task; especially when the number of students numbers a thousand. The issue of waste treatment remains caught up in the political jinx, and every home, hospital, hotel and institution is left to itself in sorting out effective and efficient treatment methods to get rid of the organic waste that is generated on a daily basis.

The Chinmaya Mission has been an active participant in spreading education through out the transitionary periods that the state has gone through ever since its formation.
Keeping up this legacy, the school management has come forward with an environment friendly way to treat food waste that's generated in the five schools functioning under the Chinmaya Mission in the city. Every school has been equipped with a bio-gas plant to convert the food waste generated into usable biogas.

“There are close to a thousand students studying in this school,” says Ashalatha, Principal, Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Vazhuthacaud. “The bio-gas plant had to be installed as we did not possess a proper method to do something about the gathering food waste.”

With options for waste disposal running short in the city, the bio-gas plant was more a necessity than an alternative for the school. The financial aid for installing the bio-gas plant at these schools came from the Chinmaya Trust, and was installed with the help of students, teachers and the PTA of the schools.


The food waste is dumped into the plant containing the cultivated bacteria population, which converts the waste into fuel gas and left over composite. The bacterial population in the plant is fast growing and the small plant is enough to treat the waste generated from the whole school every day.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

biogas from pizza

Much of what we discard each day can be reused. Most people know that materials like glass and paper can be easily recycled. What’s not such common knowledge is that food waste is also a valuable resource.Modern biogas plants can turn food waste into electricity. Our reporter Marion Hütter went on the trail of old pizzas, and found out how they’re used to generate electricity.

Biogas – Turning Pizza into Power | Made in... by DW_English

biogas in indonesia

For some residents in Bali, Indonesia, biogas has become an alternative energy source for cooking. The energy which comes from cattle dung is proving to be cost-effective as well as green. Here’s more from our correspondent in Bali.

A resident of Kerta Village in Bali, Wayan Sutri, doesn't worry about the rising cost of LPG and kerosene, used by many as energy for cooking.

It's because Sutri and dozens of other villagers are turning cattle dung onto bio-gas.

It all started with Sutri’s husband who had some knowledge of the procedure.

They’ve now been using the methane gas for two years.

[Wayan Sutri, Biogas User]:
“Since I began using this biogas, I feel it's very safe. And I can reduce my daily shopping budget as it’s no longer necessary to buy gas.”

Sutri makes biogas in quite a simple way.

She uses a concrete reactor dome with a 6-cubic-meter capacity, an inlet with a diameter of 50 centimeters, a water pipe, and a special biogas stove.

The methane biogas from cattle dung has become the villagers’ first choice in green, sustainable energy.

In developing countries like Indonesia, biogas is receiving increasing attention as an alternative to fossil fuel.

Indonesia’s tropical climate is especially suitable for the fermentation process needed in producing methane.

The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources says they are planning to develop 800 biogas installation units in 6 Indonesian provinces—including Bali—this year.

NTD News, Bali, Indonesia.

Biogas—Indonesians Cook Green With Cheap LPG... by NTDTV

Friday, June 15, 2012

generate biogas from buffaloes’ waste

RAWALPINDI - The city district government has decided to shift buffaloes outside the city and to generate biogas from buffaloes’ waste.
Buffaloes from across the city, including Cantonment board area would be shifted to Gawala Colony near Rawat area while the government has given the approval in this regard.
Meanwhile, the DCO Saqib Zafar has set up a committee headed by assistant commissioner Saddar for this purpose. The committee comprises EDO agriculture, RDA representative and a member of the Gawala Association.
The DCO told the meeting that buffaloes from Rawal Town and Potohar Town would also be shifted after the completion of Gawala Colony.
He said that the Gawala Association would raise fund to purchase land for the colony while the government would provide infrastructure. He said that water and electricity connection would be provided soon.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Interview With Pakistan’s Young Researcher Zeeshan Ahmed

Interview With Pakistan’s Young Researcher Zeeshan Ahmed

zeshan ahmend
Interview by Pakistan Science Club’s Editor Syed Hammad
Pakistan no doubt has excellent talent, the only thing lacking is the organization and management of resources, human and natural alike to take into concern available opportunities. In search of talent we came across Zeeshan Ahmed. Zeeshan  Ahmed,  born 15 Jan 1983 in Gujrat  Pakistan, a 29  Years  old  Doctoral  Scientist and Software  Engineer  at  the Department of Bioinformatics, Biocenter (an CHE-Excellence Rated European Research Institute), University of Wuerzburg Germany (among top rated science universities Worldwide).  His main field of research is Computer Science (& related) and has  more  than  14  years  of  university  education, more  than  11  years  of  professional  experience  of providing  services as individual  and  as  team  member  with  different  multinational  organizations  with  emphasis  on  software  engineering  of artificially intelligent systems and worked in more than 20 research and industrial projects. Read more

Friday, June 1, 2012

Make your own 50 to 500 watt Power inverter UPS in Urdu

Make your own 50 to 500 watt Power inverter UPS in Urdu

Homemade power inverter (UPS) I have try to explain making of simple power inverter in urdu I hope you will learn about inverter in previous project 500 Watt 12 VDC to 220 VAC Power Inverter (UPS) Construction in Urdu and How to make Power Inverters 12 VDC to 220 VAC UPS I explained but in that article I try to explain in details
Please do comments..

Wednesday, May 30, 2012



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Engineering camp for Science Passionate students where students will learn to design things ranging from skateboards to rockets to robots! It is a forum where students will learn techniques and concepts of all phases of engineering to solve existing problems and preventing future disasters." A/O Level, FSc, 9th 10th Class…

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mahnoor Hassan, Shiza Gulab and Bushra Shahed grab Grand Awards at Intel ISEF

Mahnoor Hassan, Shiza Gulab and Bushra Shahed grab Grand Awards at Intel ISEF 

Siza gulab and Mahnoor Hasan on stage with other participant managed to snag a fourth place, $500 award at the Grand Awards Ceremony
PITTSBURGH: With just three finalists present among 1,549 students, two Pakistani teenagers managed to snag a fourth place, $500 award at the Grand Awards Ceremony of the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair on Friday in Pittsburgh.
The project titled: Energy Square for Cattle, created by Mahnoor Hassan, Shiza Gulab and Bushra Shahed of the Institute of Computer and Management Sciences in Peshawar took fourth prize in the Animal Sciences Category.These genius students– Mahnoor Hassan, Shiza Gulab and Bushra Shahed– were the selected people among 1,549 students across the world.
Mahnoor Hassan and Shiza Gulab were there to collect the prize for their project. They explained that their project is good for all livestock in times of natural disaster.
syed shahzeb zarar
The fair concluded on Friday afternoon, in a confetti haze as the top prizewinner was announced. The winner was fifteen-year-old Jack Andraka from the US state of Maryland who created a Non-Invasive Pancreatic Cancer Detection Tool.
The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, the largest of its kind, is a program of the non-profit Society for Science and the Public (SSP) and encourages young innovators to engage in math and science.

Mahnoor Hassan, Shiza Gulab and Bushra Shahed fourth prize in the Animal Sciences Category

Dr. Mohmmad Lateef Aftab Research Intravenous Soft Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Dr. Mohmmad Lateef Aftab Research Intravenous Soft Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers 

Role of Intravenous Soft Laser Therapy in the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcers


Department of Surgery and Pathology*. Fatima Jinnah Medical College/Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Lahore

Correspondence to Dr. Muhammad Latif Aftab, Associate Professor Surgery email:


Objectives: To find out the efficacy of the intravenous soft laser therapy in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers.

Study design: It is a prospective study.

Materials and method: This study was conducted on 20 patients of both sexes suffering from diabetic foot ulcers. The patients were assessed clinically and surgical evaluation was done. Intravenous soft laser therapy was done. “ Latif Aftab Connector” was used. The treatment was given on alternate days, 15 to 25 sessions were made depending on severity of lesion and response to treatment.

Results: Outcome was assessed predominantly on improving of the size of ulcers. No complication of the procedure observed during study.

Conclusion: Intravenous soft laser therapy is one of the important and reliable modality regarding the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer and prevention of amputation.

Key words: Soft Laser, Intravenous, Diabetic Foot Ulcers, Amputation.


Soft laser light acts on the mitochondria in the cell and enhances the production of ATP. This increased cell energy accelerates the healing power of the wound by regeneration of blood vessels thus stimulation of microcirculation1. It is claimed that the healing time of wound decreases by more than 50%, when soft laser light is used compared to the wound where it is not used2. The soft laser should not be confused with the hard laser. The hard laser can cut, vaporize and coagulate the tissues and has thermal effects, whereas soft laser does not have thermal effects, due to this reason, it is also known as cold laser. The soft laser is human friendly; it relieves pain3, subsides inflammation and enhances wound healing processes4. It is also known as bio stimulating laser as it accelerates the endogenous biochemical processes in the cells leading to favorable biological effects in the tissues.

In Europe, America and Australia, soft laser therapy is a well accepted method to treat sports injuries5 , Traumatic, inflammatory and overuse injuries, pain relief and healing of rheumatic and arthritic lesions6. It is also a useful modality in the treatment of persistent non healing wounds, cold sores and ulcers. Soft lasers have been used for over 35 years in many countries as therapeutic energy to bring about favorable biological effects.

The first soft lasers received FDA clearance in the United States in 2002. In the last few years, the soft laser therapy in North America is being used increasingly. FDA has recently cleared many soft laser devices for treatment of a number of medical conditions, such as cervical neck pain, shoulder pain, low back pain, joint pain, generalized pain and acceleration of wound healing. This type of light therapy is being used in Governmental agencies in USA such as NASA7. Soft laser therapy is a regular feature in US Olympic training centers and some studies have reported very good results and recovery in sports injuries5. Soft laser light causes release of anti inflammatory enzymes and endorphins which are known as natural pain killers and mood elevators. Palmgren2 investigated the effect of soft laser therapy on infected abdominal wounds after surgery. Healing time was less than half, 6-8 days laser group compared to 14 days where no laser therapy was used. Where as the use of soft lasers in skin lesions is now a days a routine, recognized method of wound healing in west4,9,10. .The Use of soft lasers on skin in diabetic foot has shown some valuable results1,11. In this study, soft laser was used intravenously in diabetic foot ulcer patients to evaluate and assess its efficacy.

This study was conducted on 20 patients of both sexes suffering from diabetic foot ulcers. Intravenous soft laser therapy was done. To make the contact of the laser light with blood, world’s 1st cheapest connector was designed and made by the principal investigator designated as “ Latif Aftab Connector” for intravenous soft laser therapy. The connector on one side accommodated intravenous cannula and on the other side tip of laser probe was introduced inside the connector. The source of the laser light was a soft laser device LaserCat marketed by Med Solution Germany. On average treatment was started with 20 mw red & infrared laser for 6 minutes. The dose was increased to 30mw red and infrared lasers gradually. The treatment was given on alternate days, 15 to 25 sessions were made depending on severity of lesion and response to treatment. Weekly assessment regarding improvement or otherwise was made on following parameters i.e., pin, cldness, nmbness, praesthesia, ulceration, patelets aggregation, and duplex scan. The diabetic foot ulcers were classified according to Wagner’s classification12.
Twenty patients were included in this study to evaluate the efficacy of intravenous soft laser therapy on the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. With reference to the Wagner’s classification for the diabetic foot ulcers, the distribution of the patients is shown in table.
Table showing patients distribution according to Wagner’s staging.
Wagner’s stage
Number of patients
 Outcome was assessed predominantly on the improving of the size of ulcers. The duration of ulcers before therapy were ranging from 6 to 15 months. The number of sessions of intravenous soft laser therapy was ranging from 15 to 25, depending upon the severity of the lesion and the response of the treatment. The duration of the treatment was ranging from 30 to 50 days, again depending upon the severity of the lesion and the response of the treatment. Up to the stage 3, all patients responded well and were cured. However in two patients, recurrence of ulcer occurred, which responded well to the retreatment. In stage 4, feet of all patients were saved, but one patient has ray amputation of one toe before the start of soft laser therapy. However the rest of the foot was saved with the use of intravenous soft laser therapy.  In stage 5, patient ultimately needed amputation of the foot. No complication of the procedures observed during study.
Figure 1: The First patient of the Study,  Wagner;s Stage 4
Figure 2: Close view of foot of the same patient
Figure 3: Ever First Intravenous Soft laser therapy of the patient in progress ( 24th April 2006 )
Figure 4: Post Intravenous Soft Laser Therapy (Close View)
Figure 5:  Four  years follow up of the same patient
Diabetic foot is one of the major complications of long standing diabetes mellitus. With existing treatment modalities, most of the patients will end up ultimately with some sort of amputation. In this study, intravenous soft laser therapy was used to cure diabetic foot ulcers and to avoid its progression to amputation, which has shown encouraging outcome. The problem in designing this study was “how to irradiate blood with soft laser light?”, as neither the laser device manufacturer (Med Solution-Germany), manufactured catheter to bring laser to come in contact with blood, nor other such catheter was available in this part of the world. To make the contact of the laser light with blood, world’s 1st cheapest connector was designed and made by the principal investigator designated as “Latif Aftab Connector” for intravenous soft laser therapy. The ever first patient in whom the intravenous soft laser therapy was used, was advised amputation by many consultants, but patient was reluctan. After evaluation, the ray amputation of one of the completely gangrenous toe was done. Later on this patient, after getting the formal consent was included in the study for intravenous soft laser therapy. This therapy was done on alternate days for 7 weeks and ultimately very encouraging results were seen, as the rest of the foot was saved. The four years follow up of the patient is available which shows a normal foot with no complaints. As shown in the results of this study, in other cases also the response of the therapy in diabetic foot ulcers was very good. On extensive search of the literature, although use of soft laser in diabetic foot on the skin shows encouraging results (1), (7), (10) but its intravenous use is not found in diabetic foot patients.
Intravenous soft laser therapy is one of the important and reliable modality regarding the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer and prevention of amputation.
1.       Schindl A, Schindl M, Pernerstorfer-schon H et al.  Diabetic neuropathic  foot ulcer” Successful treatment by low intensity laser therapy. Dermatology. 1999; 198:314-317.
2.       Palmgren N.  Low Level Laser Therapy of infected abdominal wounds after surgery. Lasers Surg Med. 1991; Suppl 3:11.
3.       Tam G. Low Power Laser Therapy and Analgesic Action. Journal of Clinical Laser Med & Surg. 1999;  17 (1); 29-33.
4.       Mendez T; Pinheiro A; Pacheco M et al: Dose and wavelength of Laser Light have influence on the repair of cutaneous wounds. Journal of clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery. 2004; 22(1): 19-25.
5.       Simunovic Z; Trobonjaca T; Trobonjaca Z. Treatment of Medial and Lateral Epicondylitis—Tennis and Golfer's Elbow—with Low Level Laser Therapy: A Multicenter Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study on 324 Patients.  J Clin Laser Med & Surg. 1998; 16 (3) : 145-151.
6.       Longo L. Simunovic Z; Postiglione M. et al. Laser therapy for fibromyositic Rheumatisms, J Clin Laser Med & Surg. 1997 ; 15 (5) : 217-220. 
7.       Harry T. Whelan MD; Ellem V. et al. “Effect of NASA light emitting diode irradiation on molecular changes for normal healing in diabetic mice. Journal of Clinical Laser Medicine & Surgery. 2004; 21 :2 ;67-74.
8.       Ozdermir F; Birtane M; Kokino S. “The clinical efficacy of Low power laser Therapy on pain and function in cervical osteoarthritis. Clinical Rheumatology. 2001; : 20 930; 181-4.
9.       Woodruff LD; Bounkeo JM; Brannon WM; “The efficacy of Laser therapy in wound repair, a meta-analysis of literature. Photo med Laser Surg, 2004; 22(3): 241-7.
10.   Enwemeka CS; Pasker JC; Dowdy DS. et al. “The efficacy of low power lasers in tissue repair and pain control: a Meta Analysis study. Photo med Laser Surg,2004; 22(4): 323-9.
11.   Landau Z. “Tropical Hyper baric oxygen and low energy laser for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers.” Archives of orthopedic and trauma surgery. 1998; 117 (3); 156-8.
12.   Brodsky JW. Staging and classification of foot lesions in diabetic patients. In Levin & O’neals; the diabetic foot, 6th edition, Mosby, Inc.2001;273-75.




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