
Agha waqar Ahmed invent water fuel kit or cars motor Bike (hydrogen+oxigen H2O electrolysis)

Monday, April 30, 2012


Biogas: Pakistan’s energy crises solution

BEING ONE of the top and important country in the world in terms of food products, textile, medicine, nuclear and variety of other sectors, Pakistan is still facing energy crisis from almost last 7 years having a short fall of minimum 5000 MW. This crisis will never end rather increase with every second being passed. Recently, Pakistanis has been ranked the fourth most intelligent nation in the world but still they cannot find the way to meet their energy demands. The reason behind this is the lack of good leadership, illiteracy, excessive use of fossil fuels and other political issues. Now, in these conditions the only way of survival and to overcome this problem is that we stop blaming and relying on the government or other private energy sector’s policies and start thinking to solve it by alternative methods. Full Article Biogas: Pakistan’s energy crises solution

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Biogas Plant Construction

Step by Step Guide to Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester outlet by Plastic 1000 letter and 1500 letter water tank part 2

Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester  you have to tow water tank one is 1000 letter and other is 1500 letter. first of all you cut both tank near top of the tank and put some PVC pipe as outlet and inlet of bio digester and gas pipe  on bottom of the 1000 letter water tank than put animal dung (gobar gas) and leave it for a week if you want to read full story step by step with the help of pictures visit

Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester 

pvc pipe   

Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester Part 4

Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester inlet Part 3

Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester outlet Part 2

Step by Step Guide to Constructing a Floating Drum Biogas Digester Part 1

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Biogas and fertilizer in a new era

Biogas and fertilizer in a new age

The use of biogas as a fuel in Sweden suggests that there is a replacement for fuel oil that is derived from wastes buried -- often deep in earth -- by ecological processes of decomposition and storage. Before learning that burning oil and coal would lead to severe planetary problems, we proceeded with ignorance of the consequences: witness damage to oceans, atmosphere, incidence of severe storms, imminent threat to slippage of Greenland's ice mass and similar problems with Antarctic ice masses.
Imagine a world in which most nations could be self-sufficient by distilling their own fuels. Imagine the benefits of eliminating fuel oil spills in the oceans. Imagine small producers making fuel affordable for transportation, heating homes, or production of electricity.
In sustainability-conscious Sweden, the city of Stockholm has converted its 1,600 vehicles to running on  biogas  . The private market for  biogas  -fuelled cars is increasing. Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge has been carried on for decades and the resulting biogas is used for heating, electricity production, and is processed for car fuel. The biogas is manufactured from organic wastes from restaurants and commercial kitchens as well as from manure and sewage. The waste product from the biogas production is better as fertilizer than ordinary manure because it makes nitrogen is more available.
In Linkoping, a city of 140,000, a plant was started in 1997 to treat organic agricultural waste in southeastern Sweden. It provides biogas for urban city buses and reduces emissions from urban transport. The plant treats 100,000 tonnes annually and produces 4.7 million cubic metres of upgraded biogas (97 per cent CH4 ) that is used in 64 buses and a number of heavy and light duty vehicles.
The first biogas train ran between Linkoping and Vastervik in June 2005. The biogas run train has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions to zero.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

500 Watt 12 VDC to 220 VAC Power Inverter

500 Watt 12 VDC to 220 VAC Power Inverter (UPS) uninterruptible power supply

Build you own 500 watt power inverter UPS 


Power inverter is a device which converts 12 volts to 150 volts of D.C into 220 volt to 110 volt. Power inverter is commonly known as UPS. UPS stands for uninterruptible power supply which is the modified form of inverter. Due to the lack of electricity the importance of inverter increases day by day. The substitute of load shedding is generator or UPS.
Few advantages and disadvantages of generator are as follows.
Its first advantage is, it can run many electronic devices and it can supply electricity for the long duration of load shedding. The disadvantages are noise pollution, usage of fossil fuel cost it too high. The alternate of generator is UPS, it has also some advantages and disadvantages.
The supply of electricity goes uninterrupted, it do not require much effort. Its backup depends on battery, as many amperes of the battery it has, that much it backup it would provide.
Its disadvantages are, recharging takes a lot of time and in the long duration of load shedding battery cannot b recharged so that it stops working. By putting excessive load the duration of backup reduces. Its performance is about 60% to 90%. Read Full article 500 Watt 12 VDC to 220 VAC Power Inverter (UPS) uninterruptible power supply


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